Bush Music Fund Providing Long Term Support to First Nation Musicians

“The Bush Music Fund is a pathway program providing long term support to First Nation musicians living in outer regional and remote Australia through grant giving, advocacy and performance opportunities.
Their aim is to increase the representation of First Nations artists in the contemporary music industry by increasing the opportunities and advocating for support systems to further their careers.
They act as a point of connection between the artist, their family and their community, and the wider Australian contemporary music industry.
Songwriting and performing is an essential vehicle for cultural awareness, understanding and connection between First Nations artists and the rest of Australia. It is vital that First Nations artists living in remote parts of the country are given the same opportunity to sing their song and have their song heard as everyone else.
The Bush Music Fund is a registered charity, with DGR status, driving true and sustainable self determination of the artists within the program.”
So far the fund has raised $30,000 of their $100,000 fundraising goal through the support of generous partners.
To find out more information or donate, head to www.bushmusicfund.org or if you’d like to explore a partnership with the team they are contactable via email at hello@bushmusicfund.org