
Council cites ‘heritage’ for rooming house rejection

December 9, 2023 11:04 am in by
380 Ryrie Street with the recently completed dwelling, and the vacant site where the proposed rooming house was planned (Google).

Geelong council’s planning committee has cited a Heritage Overlay among reasons for refusing a planning permit application for rooming house in East Geelong.

The $1.5 million proposal at 2/380 Ryrie Street on a now vacant block included plans for a two-story building, with eight bedrooms with balconies or courtyards, a common kitchen area and five carparks.

In a media release council mentioned the demolition of an Edwardian house that once occupied the block, and noted that 51 objections were received to the proposal, including on its use as a rooming house and neighbourhood character.

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A 2018 photograph of 380 Ryrie Street, prior to demolition of the house (Google).

Council further stated that no planning permit was required for the use of the land as a rooming house, or under the General Residential Zone, Design and Development Overlay; rather it was the area’s Heritage Overlay that triggered a planning permit and assessment.

“We found that a double story rooming house would adversely affect the significance of the heritage area,” Planning committee chair and councillor Jim Mason said.

Cr Mason said the application was assessed against the Heritage Overlay, relevant planning policy and municipal planning strategy.

Project Evolve plans for the Ryrie Street rooming house.
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“This proposed development would not positively contribute to the Early Twentieth Century Residential Heritage Area, nor would it appropriately manage the impact of urban change on the existing neighbourhood,” he said.

The previous Edwardian house (pictured above) council refers to has since been replaced on a section of the land by a recently completed two-story brick building with a rendered facade, that is similar in design to the rooming house proposal.
