Scale Facilitation has been locked out of its North Geelong headquarters by its landlord over unpaid rent.
It’s the same office raided by Serious Financial Crime Taskforce officers from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in June.
The Federal Mills site has been home to various businesses led by Geelong businessman David Collard, including Sanitex Global Pty Ltd and Recharge Industries.
The Scale Facilitation Transition Foundation was also registered as charity at the address in June 2022.
The Hamilton Group landlord will now join a growing list of unsecured creditors lining up to be by paid by business linked to Mr Collard, whose various enterprises have been under greater scrutiny since plans were announced around this time last year to build a battery gigafactory at Avalon.

The proposal has had strong support from Corio MP and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, who travelled to New York with his opposition Defence counterpart Peter Dutton in December 2022 to mark the opening of the Scale Facilitation’s U.S. headquarters on the 82nd floor of the One World Trade Centre.
Mr Dutton’s travel was paid for by the company.
Since then Avalon site manager Linfox stated in August that no lease agreement had been entered into with Recharge Industries, Scale has faced legal action over unpaid rent on its NYC office, and Mr Collard has moved out of his apartment in the city after separate court action over rental arrears.
Last month Sanitex Global was found to be insolvent and ordered to be wound up by a court due to unpaid debts.
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